Understanding ISO 50001:2018
Understanding ISO 50001:2018- International Standa...
ISO 50001:2018 serves as a valuable tool for achieving long-term energy efficiency goals while demonstrating commitment to environmental stewardship.
Green Finance & Sustainable Investing
Green Finance & Sustainable Investing: Driving Pos...
As we face pressing environmental challenges and social inequalities, the role of finance in driving positive change has become increasingly pivotal. Enter green finance and sustainable investing – ...
Harnessing Data Analytics for Climate Change
Data Analytics and its role in managing Climate Ch...
Data analytics is not just a theoretical concept in the fight against climate change; it's a practical tool with tangible applications across various sectors. Let's explore some real-world use cases w...
Global Risk Perception Report 2024
A Report By World Economic Forum Released In Janua...
Global Risk Perception Survey (GRPS) results highlight a predominantly negative outlook for the world over the next two years that is expected to worsen over the next decade.
Indian Railways Towards Cleaner Environment
Indian Railways invite bids for hydrogen based tra...
Mission Net Zero Carbon Carbon Emission by Railway by 2030 is the real catalysts for inviting bids for hydrogen based train. It is part of National Hydrogen Mission program of GoI to meet the target...
Concept Note on Responsible Care RC 14001
Sustainability Initiative of Chemical Industry
The article gives an overview of evolution, benefits and various schemes currently existing for Responsible Care Management System (RMS). It facilitates integration of Community, cyber process securit...
Sustainable Business Practices
Material Conservation and Sustainability
Conservation, when applied to natural resources, refers to the management, use, and protection of a natural re- source to prevent over exploitation or destruction. Sustainability can be thought of as ...
CGAS conducts webinar for IISRP
Restart Considerations in Post COVID-19 Scenario
Corporate Governance Advisory Services would like to thank International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers Inc, for providing us an opportunity to share our experience with its members on this k...
CGAS Presents in Webinar of American Chemistry Council
RCMS/RC14001 Implementation Webinar
Corporate Governance Advisory Services thanks American Chemistry Council for providing it the opportunity to share "RC 14001-The Indian Experience" during its webinar on 2 Apr 2020.
Why Atmanirbhar Bharat should not be taken as Ban on Foreign Products
Spirit of India and Indian Ethos to support self-r...
This is initiation in a series of articles in the above topics to share our ideas on how to make Atmanirbhar Bharat a reality
Indian Acts for COVID Notifications
The Indian Acts relevant to the current COVID 19 Crisis
Corporate Governance is an integral part of all size of businesses whether small or large. However, its shape and form needs to be changed and formalized as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) grow al...
The system to comply with EHS Legal Requirements and go beyond is an integral part of most of the management systems. However, there is a huge gap from company to company and from one region to anothe...
Impact of Disruptive Business Changes on EHS Profession
Twenty first century heralded an era of disruptive changes and it is likely to continue in 2018 and onwards. The political, economic, technological and social scenario is undergoing a massive change t...
I am extremely grateful to all those people who sent messages and all those whose blessing and support at various junctures made it possible for me to take up the position of Regional Vice President- ...
I did a small analysis of some of the top organizations in manufacturing as well as service sector that publish sustainability reports and are considered to be most ethical. The reason was that while ...