More than 10% of the world population still live in extreme poverty and is struggling for most basic needs.
It is time to rethink how we grow, share and consume our food.
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being is essential to sustainable development
Quality education is the foundation of sustainable development
Gender equality is fundamental for a peaceful and sustainable world.
Clean water with proper sanitation is critical to healthy survival
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Promoting sustained economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation
Promoting sustainable industries, and investing in scientific research and innovation
Income inequality requires global solutions for sustained livelihood
Involves investment in sustainable modes of public transport
Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires
Climate change is disrupting economies & the well-being of future generations.
The world’s oceans & their vital parameters need immediate attention
Land and forests are the foundation of sustainable development
Violence is perhaps the most significant challenge to development
The SDGs can only be realized with strong partnerships and cooperation across the globe.