Risk factors
Fire and Explosion

Environmental Due Diligence and Environment and Social Governance (ESG) for Mergers Acquisitions and Private Equity Funds
Companies try to cover up their risk during Mergers and Acquisitions by using standards like Environmental Site Assessment as per ASTM 1527 and integrate social and regulatory compliance issues for brownfield projects. EHS due diligence is also carried out during investment by Private Equity Funds. We provide services in the field of EHS Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions for multinational clients from US, Europe, Japan and other parts of the world.

Environment and Social Impact (ESIA) Assessment an Environment and Social Management System (ESMS) as per IFC Principles
Companies conduct Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environment and Social Management System (ESMS) to access funds from Direct Funding Institutions (DFIs) and Private Equity (PE) Funds. These can be based on IFC Principles on Environment and Sustainability as per CDC Tool Kit, UK and GIZ. We provide full consultancy support and periodic assessment for organizations that are accessing funds or have accessed funds.

Electrical Safety
- Natural and Man-Made Disasters·
- Fire and Explosion·Fire and Explosion·Fire and Explosion

Emergency Planning and Business Continuity
This is specifically for overall Business Continuity Planning considering some of the top-most risks the organizations are facing today including Natural and man-made disasters including those from Environment, Health & Safety and Information and Site Security. We provide services related to review of Emergency Plans, Disaster Management Plans and Business Continuity Plans and help modify to ensure their integration and make them resilient to the degree of risks faced by changing scenario in the organization.

Behavioral Aspects in Safety
- Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Fire and Explosion
- New Technologies
- Shortage of Skilled Work Force

Sustainability Excellence as per British Safety Council 5-Star Rating System and CII-Sustainability System
Sustainability Excellence as per British Safety Council 5-Star Rating System and CII-Sustainability System
EHS Social and Security Audits
- Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Changes in Legislation and Regulation
- Fire and Explosion
- New Technologies
- Shortage of Skilled Work Force
- Climate Change
- Water Crisis

Responsible Care Management Systems
Responsible Care Management Systems
Integrated Management System
Internal Auditors are a line of defence for the organization against the threats facing it. It is the strength to integrate and get them aligned and providing them the authority that will give the organization the strength to improve its overall governance. We provide training on various management system standards including Advanced Courses for people who have done Lead Auditor Course to drive Excellence in the organization